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Mediawest since the beginning organizes any-level training courses. In particular:

Courses of information technology on most popular graphics software packages, electronic spreadsheets, Internet and programming. The courses are structured to provide a rapid and complete learning of the matters. Classes are held by certified teachers, all professionals in their field of expertise.

Courses of web marketing for companies and individuals, marketing directors and managers, self-employed and students, whose aim is to make participants aware of the correct understanding of mechanisms that rule the communication and advertising on Internet and the use of marketing tools more suitable for the promotion of a web business.
In particular, Mediawest proposes advanced search engine courses to learn how to get to the top of search engines and directories and basic and advanced courses of Internet marketing to learn how to successfully plan and promote a website.

Courses of Tourism Marketing for professionals and students who want to deal with tourism marketing through a complete tool from a conceptual and methodological point of view not forgetting the support of many practical cases.

Course for estate agents

Course of sales techniques

For further information send an email or use the form below.